Ronald A Fahrenholz II

This masterpiece was created under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and He will minister to you as you read each chapter and learn from each lesson. This book, in its simple, concise, and apt characterization, would take you on a fantastic journey of in-depth understanding of our immutable realities as humans who simply sojourn the earth. Do you think Judgment is real?

This is a must-read for every non-believer, believer, and lukewarm Christian. If you love John Bunyan’s “The Pilgrim’s Progress,” Bob Sorge’s “Secrets of the Secret Place,” and Robert Liardon’s “God’s Generals,” you’ll absolutely treasure this piece by Ronald A Fahrenholz II. – Susan Elizabeth, professional author, and editor

Zeph.1.14 – The great day of the Lord is near – near and hastening fast. Hark! the voice of the day of the Lord! The mighty man [unable to fight or to flee] will cry then bitterly.
How near? How do we know this?

This masterpiece was created under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and He will minister to you as you read each chapter and learn from each lesson. This book, in its simple, concise, and apt characterization, would take you on a fantastic journey of in-depth understanding of our immutable realities as humans who simply sojourn the earth.

It paints the perfect picture of the costs and effects of living, broadening our minds on how we, in our everyday activities, determine our own indefinite fate after now. The work opens our spirit to understand how we have been given a choice to determine our eternity just by living daily.

Everything that has been happening today is pointing to the end of time and the 2nd Coming of Christ. Do not ignore the warnings. God always gives us warnings before he makes a move to give us ample chance to change our hearts and repent. Jesus has been making himself known to everyone during this generation and the door to eternal life is closing forever. With all these significant moves, some are yet to take the gift of Christ seriously. They go about committing atrocities and evils. They ignore these prophecies and they think the judgment is a myth.

How would you feel realizing that the decisions you made while on Earth were totally wrong?
Some Luke-warm Christians spend their lives condemning others while they continue to engage in their own daily sin. Many in this generation are church-goers, yet they haven’t truly surrendered to the will of God- Jesus Christ. Most confessed Christians are indeed saved by Grace, but they will not be raptured and they will have to experience the horrors of tribulation.

Rom.14.10 – So why do you condemn another Christian? Why do you look down on another Christian? Remember, each of us will stand personally before the judgment seat of God.

When the day arrives, there will be confusion in the entire world-when what we call rapture occurs which you never believed! You were warned, and soon discover that all prophesies are all true, but it will be too late to repent and now you face avoiding the mark of the beast at the expense of torture and death. Including beheaded. How would you feel?

Do you think Judgment is real?

John Williams is about to find out. He abruptly emerges in a solitary room and he is informed he is there to learn from his pride and reflect on the decisions that he made on earth. Then John would experience the most terrifying situation imaginable. He would have to stand face to face with God and be accountable for his time spent on earth, including denying Christ and receiving the mark on his right hand.

Did you know that whether you are a Christian or non-believer, you will bow before the Throne and be judged not only for what you did on earth but for what you didn’t do as well?

Rom.14.12 – Yes, each of us will have to give a personal account to God.

So hop in as we journey on this intriguing sail! I pray the Lord opens the eyes of your understanding and prepares your heart to be receptive to His ways. Take your time because inspiration and revelation can be found on every single page.
It’s going to be a gripping adventure as we seek to unveil the hidden wisdom in life and the invaluable center of our being – the soul.

Watch out for a total transformation for you and all that concerns you as you do…


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