Protective Instincts

Professor Dena Montgomery might be young, only nineteen, but she is a mathematical Olympiad with a genius-level IQ, earning a Ph.D. for her at sixteen. Yet, her large family calls her The Absentminded Professor, with good reason. Dena can recite the calculus for the Pythagorean theorem as if it is her home address, but can’t, for her life, remember what is on her grocery list or whether she eats three meals on any given day. Though she is shaped like a Barbie Doll, she’s no lightweight. Her family does not leave her defenseless, either. That skill serves her well one cold, blustery, snowy night when she leaves her office at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Walking home, she encounters the abduction of two tender-aged children. Although one man dies, Dena’s protective instincts kick in to save the little boy and girl.

Professor Dena Montgomery might be young, only nineteen, but she is a mathematical Olympiad with a genius-level IQ, earning a Ph.D. for her at sixteen. Yet, her large family calls her The Absentminded Professor, with good reason. Dena can recite the calculus for the Pythagorean theorem as if it is her home address, but can’t, for her life, remember what is on her grocery list or whether she eats three meals on any given day. Though she is shaped like a Barbie Doll, she’s no lightweight. Her family does not leave her defenseless, either. That skill serves her well one cold, blustery, snowy night when she leaves her office at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Walking home, she encounters the abduction of two tender-aged children. Although one man dies, Dena’s protective instincts kick in to save the little boy and girl.

Cambridge, Massachusetts, Police Lieutenant Darrius Pappas caught the case. Yet, he doesn’t know what to make of the beautiful and incredibly young woman in his interrogation room. Surveillance video footage at the murder scene shows that Doctor Montgomery went all Jessica Campbell Jones Cage on the UNSUBs to save children not much older than toddlers. Darrius, young for his police position and unusually handsome, has never seen anything like her in his home country of Greece. Since coming to America to attend college and compete in the Olympics as a champion swimmer, Darrius has had more than his fair share of women. However, something about Doctor Montgomery creates an itch he can’t seem to scratch.

The situation becomes even more complicated when a shadow enforcement entity created by the G7 takes over the case. Darrius is swept up into the FBI/CIA/Interpol task force and taken away to an undisclosed location. That’s when he learns that Doctor Montgomery is much more mysterious than he could have imagined. When a second murder involving Dena Montgomery occurs during his investigation, Lieutenant Pappas’s protective instincts kick in. He will risk everything to save Dena and the children and get to the bottom of both cases.


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