Celtic Journeys

The historic and scenic richness of the Celtic countries come to life through encounters with the modern keepers of the celebrated folklore. This collection of journeys to Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and other Celtic regions, seeks out the places that inspire the spiritual and cultural origins of the memorable songs and tales that stir the soul. Join the journey to these magical lands and beyond.

Escape to enchanting lands where legendary heroes and dramatic settings of story and song come to life.
Whether planning a trip or seeking to recapture the matchless mystique of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and other Celtic regions, you will crave the richness of firsthand encounters that travel guides miss.

From the evocative poetry of an old Irish melody sung by a beautiful tenor voice, to the haunting depths of Fingal’s Cave on Scotland’s remote Staffa Island, the journeys traverse the historic, cultural, scenic, and spiritual abundance of the Celtic world.

Walk the streets of Ireland’s quaint village of Kenmare at Christmastime.
Experience the places and events that inspired memorable songs like Galway Bay.
While St. Patrick rid Ireland of snakes, learn who banished the demons.
Traverse Wales’ mountainous Snowdonia with Llywelyn the Great.
View the expansive Cornish shoreline from the top of St. Michael’s Mount.
Make a pilgrimage to the home of Celtic Spirituality on the Isle of Iona.

The unique grandeur of the realm emerges further through travels that venture beyond Celtic lands.

Discover Iceland’s answer to Scotland’s Loch Ness monster.
Relive an American president’s praise for the people of a Celtic capital at NATO.
Explore with Scotland’s native son, John Muir, as he treks across America.
Contemplate the legend of Taliesin through Frank Lloyd Wright’s creations
See how a uniquely Welsh city name yielded a clue to Celtic traces in South Africa.

Out of these stirring journeys comes a collection of stories, recreating the memorable encounters with keepers of the celebrated folklore and countryside that make the British Isles so special.

Join the journey, to see for yourself the wonders of the Celtic world, as you turn the pages, traveling the byways of these magical lands and beyond.


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