Come to the Table

The remarkable true story of how God called a 55 year uncompromising atheist, and the three months of futile resistance that followed.

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The Adventures of a Southern (Baptist) Buddhist

This true story is about a girl who is born up north; into a conservative, fundamentalist/evangelical family—but then becomes a Liberal Buddhist. Her family moves back to their roots in the Appalachian south, where Pam is molested by her grandfather. She later owns her sexuality by becoming promiscuous; beginning a pattern of serial dating, marrying and divorcing. She is first married at 18 to another 18 year old, who gives her a beautiful son—but he is a redneck and they have nothing else in common. Her second husband is a talented musician, but turns out to like sex with men. Her third husband speaks five languages and is a Pakistani, but he beats her up. Her fourth husband is a chef who makes delicious meals, but turns out to be a felon and a crackhead. Finally, the love of her life neglects to tell Pam for seven years that he is married. In the meantime, Pam completes two degrees and works as a counselor, and then 20 years as a hospice social worker.

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When Your Family Says No

In the wake of ex-communication, at age 25, Laya Steinberg was abandoned by every member of her family and every person who filled her childhood memories. When Your Family Says No is a story through the eyes of a young girl who falls in love with a non-Jewish man, violating centuries of tradition and Jewish law. As Laya chooses love over religious traditions, she wakes up to a new world of independence and freedom, where she must risk losing everything she has ever known to become the woman she was meant to be. This memoir details a story of love, passion, interfaith marriage, and family betrayal. For anyone who has abandoned for stepping outside their family’s expectations, Laya’s story reminds us of the beautiful and unexpected turns life can take us if we are brave enough to take the helm of our own truth,

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