What if the Mona Lisa was a marble statue? What if Leonardo had carved David in place of Michelangelo? If “another Leonardo”, in another universe, had studied an alien dragonfly, how would his design of the flying machine have changed? A fantastic digital artistic journey, curious, strange and incomprehensible works, projects and machines. Hundreds of unpublished fantastic illustrations inspired by the history and manuscripts of Leonardo da Vinci, a tribute to Leonardo from the digital age. If there was the possibility of a multiverse, an infinite possibility of worlds to explore with the imagination, why not imagine the projects of other Leonardo da Vinci. This fantastic, irreverent and crazy game is also useful for understanding the real Leonardo. What was, for example, the Last Supper? Was “story” true? No, because, the scene painted by Leonardo represented an imaginary Jesus, not a historical one, in an invented environment, painted by the artist to create a new “visual story”. I hope these “visual stories” help stimulate the imagination and creativity of the viewer. Curiosity will also lead you to discover Leonardo’s real manuscripts and how much fascination they still represent for everyone.