
Author Picture

W. Royce Adams

When Adams' daughter was nine years old, she asked him to write something she could read. So he invited her to help him write something. Together they created a far-away place called Rairarubia. By the time they finished the story, they had written nine books in the series.

W. Royce Adams has published over a dozen college textbooks, several academic journal articles and juvenile novels. He won the Haunted Waters Literary Magazine’s 2016 Grand Prize Short Story Contest, Honorable Mentions from Glimmer Train and Winning Writer, and received “Notable Essay” from Best American Essays, 2017. His works have appeared in The Rockford Review, Black Fox Literary Magazine, Catamaran, In the Depths, Coe Review, Chaffey Review, Adelaide, and bosque.

His latest release is a collection of short stories entitled "Against the Current."

He lives in Santa Barbara, California