
Author Picture

Susan P. Baker

Susan P. Baker is the author of nine novels and two nonfiction books. All of Susan's books have a legal aspect because of her career in the justice system. A retired Texas judge from Galveston, for twelve years Susan heard everything from murder to divorce.

Afterward, she sat as a visiting judge for another dozen years, traveling around Texas to hear cases. Previously, she practiced law for nine years spending much of her time in the courtroom. To attend law school, she drove 50 miles to Houston for classes and worked as a probation officer in which her worst experiences were making home visits to some scary neighborhoods--just like you see in the movies.

Susan's father was a lawyer and a judge. She remembers him parking the family outside the old county jail while he went in and made bail bonds. She'd stare out the window at the broken glass that lined the walls to prevent escapes and wonder what it was like inside. Later, she became quite familiar with the inside of the jail, but luckily she could leave whenever she wanted.

Susan is a member of Texas Authors, Inc., Authors Guild, Sisters in Crime, Alliance of Independent Authors, Galveston Novel, and Short Story Writers, and Writers League of Texas.

She has two children, eight grandchildren, and lives in Texas. She loves dark chocolate and traveling around the world. An anglophile, her favorite country is England where she likes to visit cousins, Roman ruins, anything Shakespeare, and just about everything else British.