
Author Picture

Robert James Saniscalchi

Welcome Everyone! Robert's Award-Winning books are here, and thanks for stopping by for a peek. Robert has a passion for writing and stays motivated by the positive feedback and reviews about his stories. To date, Robert has been awarded Gold and Silver Awards from Literary Titan and 5-Star Awards from Readers' Favorite for his excellence in writing. Some of his books are dedicated to our Veterans and to those who serve and protect our freedom today. All Sales of Robert's books on Amazon-Smile help support the Chordoma Foundation, a Worthy Charity.

Robert enjoys sports and the great outdoors, and truly believes, "The best things in life are free." My books are also on ACX-Audible and can be found in eBook and Paperback editions

Robert is also an active member of a variety of online writing and reading communities to share and perhaps be of some help to others. he invites you to ask any questions you like and visit his Author's social media and webpage.