
Author Picture

Robert Howell

Original studies I took at John Abbott College were in Business Administration, although I took many side courses including Cartography, Poetry, English Literature, as well as the less standard courses including Kung-Fu, and supernatural studies.

After College I served in the military, to placate my urge to travel. With the military I travelled across Canada, as well as to various places in Europe.

Following this I spent 40 years in the real estate field, first as an agent and later doing acquisitions for an investment company, focusing on places like Florida and Texas.

Through all these years though my passion has been writing.

To further this I took a writing course the the Long Ridge Writers Group, affiliated with the University of Connecticut.

I have always been told I have a vivid imagination and this is reflected in my fiction writing, however even in my writing I want as much realism as possible. Each story and novel I write is heavily researched, and most of the places featured in my stories I have visited. Even the magical creatures in my Charm saga are all based on mythological creatures that have been thought to exist by various cultures through history.

I have also enjoyed writing of the non fiction variety, including newsletters, magazine articles, for websites and so forth.

For a number of years, I created and wrote a newsletter for the MacDonald High School Alumni Association. I also wrote articles for the Westview Bible church. I created and wrote the newsletter for the company I worked for, as well as much of their website content.

I have been published in magazines, mostly smaller genre-based articles.

I have also written a number of short stories, some of which are for friends or family, some submitted to magazines.

For a fee I can write custom stories.

I have two novels published (Third Times the Charm and The Fourth Charm), with the third book in the series (The Charms Together), which will conclude the Charm saga, due out soon.

Although my Charm saga is geared for children and teens I also write for adults. One that is near finished is in the same genre as my current novel for teens (supernatural mystery). Another work-in-progress is a horror/haunting book.

Thank-you for your interest.

Enjoy Reading!