
Author Picture

Nancy Hill

It took decades for me to realize that life naturally unfolds. Remembering that's a delicious way to live. My great passion is helping women trust their own process and find their own voice. I lead women’s circles, write, create workshops and retreats to do just that.

I have a Master’s degree in Social Work and have been in the helping professions for 40 years. To say that I’m a seasoned professional is to say that curry is a bit spicy.

Fifty years of loving the same man is an education in itself. We’ve traveled together from teenagers to grandparents with lots of twists and turns along the way. Now we delight in our four granddaughters, three of whom are now teens.

My first book, Unfolding; Slow Down, Drop In, Dare More, published by White Cloud Press in May and appeared a couple months after my 69th birthday. It is never to late to do the things we dream of doing -- I am living proof!