
Author Picture

Mary M. Mager

I'm a Nevada girl, mother and grandmother. I've been a nurse, substitute teacher, business owner, and stay-at-home mom -sometimes all at once. I've been a singer-songwriter of children's lullabies and produced a CD called "On Grandma's Lap". Telling stories and making up songs for the grandkids? That's me!

I have found my grandma groove in writing for children - "Pretend Princess" and "Under the Summer Sun" are the first books of the Concordia series, a delightful series for middle-grade readers. Younger children will enjoy these too, if you read them out loud. There will be a book three, too! "Buns for Supper" and "Pioneer Girls" are whimsical illustrated E-books for younger children.

I hope you and your children enjoy reading these stories as much as I've enjoyed writing them. Watch out for more ..... I'm on a roll.