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Linda J DeGree

Linda DeGree is an educator, farm wife, mother, grandmother, and now author. She loves writing many types of gendre from children's books, young adult books, adult books and especially books about family. Her first book, THE SENSE OF IT centers on the coming-of-age story somewhat based on her own life growing up in the Vietnam War Era. Her older brother greatly influenced her by questioning the military draft that existed at that time. Linda's brother modeled for her that it is better to live for peace than fight in a war. This was the catalyst for the character of Margie learning how to teach the issues of was and peace to her elementary students through the literature, food, music, and games of countries. This is the beginning book of a series that includes SOME SENSE OF IT, MAKING SENSE OF IT, AND STILL MAKING SENSE OF IT that takes Margie from age 17 to into her 60's.

Linda also loves writing for younger children. In her book, In I REALLY WANT A UNICYCLE, Tommy finds a way to get a unicycle when his parents and other close relatives won't buy him one. Tommy is clever, inventive, and not so thoughtful as he learns an important life lesson. Her WHAT'S NEXT ELI? IS children's counting book her charming and mischevious son suprises her after his nap by putting things in "their" bed when he woke up first.

When Linda was teaching in a Catholic School she searched for a play that would have enough parts for her 35 5th and 6th grade classroom students. When she could not find one she liked with enough parts, she decided to write one herself for them to perform. THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS IS PEACE WAS THE RESULT. It tells ther true story of Christmas to an alien that does not understand why Christmas is celebrated by Christians all over the world. Her students loved the play so much they convinced their new teacher to let them do it again for their Christmas program the following year.

Linda lives on a farm, substitute teaches, writes her books, and has written two on-line poetry courses called Poetry of the Heart and Soul Talk. She is also a speaker and a life coach. She coaches other people on her to find their own personal "Sense of It." She enjoys swimming, and creating crocheted dresses for little girls.

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