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Khan Mosleh

Prof. Khan Mosleh was born and raised in Kushtia, Bangladesh. His primary and secondary education began in Kushtia; upon completion, he left Kushtia and studied Applied Physics & Electronics at Dhaka University, often called the “Oxford of the East.” In March 1982, he came to the United States of America in my pursuit of higher education. Professor Mosleh is currently teaching for the University of Maryland Global campus in its European division, primarily in the Middle-east region. During the last eight years, he had done extensive research on the condition of third-world country nationals (TCN) working in the Middle east. Their sub-standard living conditions and inhuman treatment by their employer. They are the victims of modern-day slavery. Prof.Mosleh interviewed about a thousand TCNs in the last eight years about their living conditions, pay rates, working conditions, mistreatment & abusiveness at work, CTIP (combating trafficking in person), and their family background. The book “WHISPERS and WAILINGS” is based on these unfortunate migrant workers. He wrote and published the Bengali version of this book, “SONAR HORINER KHONJE,” in Bangladesh. His first published book, “ATTMOPROKASH,” became the #3 best-selling list in Bangladesh. The author also translated “The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini” in the Bengali language.