
Author Picture

Kat Canfield

I really cannot remember a time when I didn't write. I wrote journals all through school or made up little stories for my friends about horses. I wrote for my high school and college newspapers as well as the local newspaper in my home town. Why I didn't take up creative writing in college is a mystery. I won awards for my writing back then but still did not see it as a career.

My career became law enforcement and as a police officer my writing skills came in handy. When I retired from law enforcement I became editor of my local Group Member Organization (GMO) for my hobby, Dressage riding. The newsletter, The Crossing, became my baby. I edited it then began writing feature articles for it. As the internet grew, so did my writing as I started blogging and writing small features on Facebook.

A few years ago, some little voice spoke to me, (he is my little desert Jinn). I wrote what the voice told me and it became my first published novel, Only Love Twice. More books followed. I prefer to write romance but venture over into the suspense/ crime thriller from time to time. Perhaps it is the police officer in me that leads me that way.

When I'm not writing I ride and train in the equestrian discipline of dressage. I may never write the next great best seller or ever become an Olympic Dressage Rider, but I am enjoying writing and riding and hope my readers will continue to enjoy reading what that little voice says to me. Watch for the sequels and other books coming soon.