
Author Picture

David Medansky

David Medansky, a non-practicing lawyer, is an international best-selling author, and known as the "Anti-Diet Advocate.” At age 61, David was fat and told by my doctor he had 95% chance for a fatal heart attack. David's doctor told him to find a new doctor because he did not believe David could lose weight and he did not want him dying on his watch.

During the next four months David shed 50 pounds, 25% of his total body weight. He learned how to reduce weight without going on a diet, counting calories, or exercising. David understands your frustrations if you ever failed to lose weight on a diet or keep it off because he tried every diet imaginable without success. And, if he did lose weight on a diet, he could not keep it off.

As a lawyer, David spent his career seeing both sides of the fence. Honest people and dishonest people. And when it comes to the food and weight loss industries, sadly there are more dishonest people than there are those telling the truth. That’s what makes losing weight so difficult. We see labels telling us it’s low fat but that same food is high in sugar. While it’s true that sugary foods are “fat free,” what the label fails to tell you is sugar causes fat to form inside your body later. Then there’s all these vegan friendly foods. Sounds healthy but they are filled with chemicals, dyes and artificial preservatives. Oreo Cookies are a vegan food! Just like he had to read the fine print when he practiced law, he is now reading and exposing the fine print on food labels and diet programs.

Now David feels great, has more energy, and improved his overall health. And, that's why he wrote “Break the Chains of Dieting.” So you too can have more energy, feel better, and improve your overall health.

There is no guess work. David has taken all the guess work out for you. This book gives you everything you need to know about healthy and maintainable weight loss. You’ll never need to go on another diet again. You don’t have to think or create. Everything has been thought out for you.

David has read all the fine print and knows the loop holes and can guide you on what works and what doesn’t. However, rather than charge you $400 an hour for his service, you can get his book, Break the Chains of Dieting, for less than you'd spend on a pizza. This book gives you the solution you've been looking for.

The 9 Principles in this book will help you reduce your risk for heart attack, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

The best part is you don't need all 9. You just need the first 2 to improve your overall health. After all, who doesn’t want to have more energy, feel better, and improve their overall health.

You can learn more at

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The recipients could be relatives, friends, team members, vendors, or someone you would like to make a discernable difference in their life. My goal is to make a positive impact in the lives of millions of people. To do that, I need your help.

I promise you in the long run it will be you who benefits the most. Your helping someone else find ideas to improve their eating habits and improve their overall health could alter the course of their life…possibly save someone’s life. Because without you who gives it to them, they might never have found Break the Chains of Dieting.