
Author Picture

Charles Page

It would be simple to portray Dr. Charles Page, MD as just a country surgeon. But that would be missing way too much. Dr. Chuck (that’s what everyone calls him) helps everyday people navigate life’s inevitable tragedies and triumphs. He aims to help people embrace a deeper understanding of why they respond to life events in the way they do.

Through his books, videos, and his TV show, Dr. Chuck peers into the everyday lives of people struggling, learning, and thriving in their challenges. He comes along at a time when Americans, and the world for that matter, are going through confusing changes such as aging demographics and new technology that is changing how we work and live.

Dr. Chuck has created a viewpoint which reflects the struggles and setbacks of the patients who have entered his office. Many of them lack wealth and the basic resources to lead their fullest lives.

The goal of all Dr. Chuck's writing and speaking is to express the impact that the Christian faith makes in our life struggles.

A graduate of the prestigious Baylor College of Medicine, Dr. Chuck completed his training under pioneering surgeon, Dr. Michael E. Debakey, whose discoveries influenced medicine in the twentieth century.

When he’s not doctoring and mentoring, Dr. Chuck loves spending time with his wife, Joanna, and their five amazing children – Jacob, Jonathan, Georgia, Jane Aubrey and Charlie.

You can find out about Dr. Chuck on these platforms:

You tube:

On demand videos:

Spoonful of courage on the Opinions channel:

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