
Author Picture

Alex G. Zarate

Long (LONG) ago, Alex was born somewhere in Texas when a rip in space/time opened a dimensional rift that nearly wiped out all of humanity. (It might have been a little different but he was newborn and hadn't thought to take notes.)

Alex writes books, creates worlds and ventures forth to take pictures of this planet he shares with you kind co-inhabitants of this lovely blue orb. (Thank you for that. Y'all are great!) It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, so when he posts online, this is always at the forefront of his mind. Some of the words he uses are shared wisdom and others are hopeful insights.

Feel free to check out the Instagram link below. (Don't be afraid. It won't bite.)

Alex also likes to draw and illustrate his books. He is constantly crafting stories in his head when he should be paying attention to the road. But until he can stop time, (This is on his "To-do" list) he will make do with the allotted hours at his disposal.

Despite the limited time span of each day and the grim reaper trying to sneak up on him whenever he gets distracted by shiny things, Alex follows his passions.

Most of all, he creates.

Whether it is the next book in a series, a blog topic to cover, a new place to take pictures that he just can’t get out of his head or new illustrations that continue to prompt him for more tweaking, Alex seeks out new and creative ways of expressing himself.

In the meantime, Alex travels to distant worlds, fights monsters on a bi-weekly basis, peers into alternate dimensions when they grab his attention and once in a while, when the inclination is upon him... he saves the world.

It’s a hobby.

Alex sleeps between blinks or when his eyes close unexpectedly.

He and Snoopy have word sprints for fun on weekends and holidays.