Making Love & Babies

Making Love & Babies outlines how many Infertility problems can often be solved naturally At least 15% couples who wish to conceive, find that they have difficulties. Investigations may reveal a clinical problem but often no reason is found, or the findings are insufficient to explain the problem. Dr Judy Ford’s research into genes, lifestyle and pregnancy and many discussions with infertile couples led her to write this book. Dr Judy wants to help couples resolve their own fertility problems and at the same time, increase their health and the romance and love in their relationships. Making Love & Babies offers a wide range of advice to men and women including information that ranges from diet to why many men’s jobs can reduce their fertility and how they can improve it. It also guides women on how to overcome the major cause of female reproductive ageing as well as showing couples how they can greatly enhance their sexual pleasure and, where relevant, solve many sexual problems.

Making Love & Babies outlines how many Infertility problems can often be solved naturally
At least 15% couples who wish to conceive, find that they have difficulties. Investigations may reveal a clinical problem but often no reason is found, or the findings are insufficient to explain the problem. My research into genes, lifestyle and pregnancy and then later, my many discussions with infertile couples led me to write this book. I want to help couples resolve their own fertility problems and at the same time, increase their health and the romance and love in their relationships.

Making Love & Babies includes a wide range of advice including information that ranges from diet to why many men’s jobs can reduce their fertility and how they can improve it. It also guides women on how to overcome the major cause of female reproductive ageing as well as showing couples how they can greatly enhance their sexual pleasure and, where relevant, solve many sexual problems. The information contained in the book is all based on the published medical literature, information in world health statistics and the outcome of consultations with large numbers of couples. In the book, Dr Judy shares clear information about biology, nutrition, sensuality and good sexual techniques. She hopes that the outcome will be both happier couples as well as many bonny, bouncing babies.


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