The Bitmores

Bridget, following the most crushing period of her life, was beginning to live again. She had hope that the future would be less painful or at least less shameful. Her whole world had collapsed and she felt paralyzed. She had lost friends and lovers and felt useless. She thought that if she could get away, start anew, she could make it all right again.

Stunned, she froze while all sorts of visions flitted through her mind, and slowly the pieces fell together. Greyson had played his hand well from first destroying Cameron and then gone on to her before grabbing the peach he was after. She had always felt there was something behind those eyes that bothered her and now she knew what it was. Her mind could not stop now as her eyes were opened. She played out scenes and conversations between Hosea Taylor, the wonderful instructor who Chloe had showed more than a passing affection at his death. She had thought Chloe was becoming more sensitive. In a way she was. It had all been right there in front of her, starting with the that staged confrontation between Pat Levinson and John Bryan. Twenty-five hundred a week for a newbie in the industry! Just reading their body language it was apparent that money was buying more than a voice. Was Mr. Hammond in on it too or was he an innocent like herself. She tried to breathe deeply and choked as she recalled all the rich friends that Nick had so casually introduced Chloe too, but refused to have her meet them. And then there were Nick’s parents who he told her were rich and supported him; especially after his golf career fell flat. The infamous parents that he would not introduce her too, and, oh my god, even after seeing the mansion in such shambles she had not figured it out. Were they even alive? The world went silent for a moment while scenes of a silent movie played back in her head. Bridget’s forehead wrinkled when it dawned on her the real reason that Lucy had betrayed her. She had thought it was because she was at a low point and vulnerable, but though devastated finding out her husband had cheated on her, was only part of it. It was not that he had cheated, it was with who.


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