Starlight in the Dawn: The Poetic Priestess who chose to fight

At the dawn of civilization, the high priestes of the Sumerian city of Ur confronts the intrigue of politics. She leves the ivory tower of the priesthood and rises to unforeseen challenges. This is a gripping story of Enheduanna, who was the daughter of Sargon the Great and also the first literary person o fancient history. She was of a stellar reputaiton for centuries. Her story is based on her words. Step into the banks of the Euphrates around 2300 BCE.

“Loved it! This is an engaging novel, with good characters, set in a unique time period. Recommended for anyone who loves ancient history.
STARLIGHT IN THE DAWN is very well researched and written. The setting details put you right into the daily life in a Sumerian temple. The characters of Hedu and Beshi are engaging. I rooted for them….I cheered. I very much enjoyed the Sumerian mythology included in the novel…
I would recommend it to anyone looking for a tale of a strong woman in a historical setting new to them.” L.Ulleseit, reedsydiscovery

“Ancient Ur is an excellent and under-explored location for historical fiction and STARLIGHT brings a fair deal of texture to the setting. A solid introduction to the ancient world, STARLIGHT will leave most casual novel-readers, and historical fiction aficionados, wanting more.” IndieReader

“A powerful story of social change.. replete with action, psychological transformation, and challenges to belief systems alike, engrossing and filled with insights, with romance added to the backdrop.
The tale’s allure is the real historical figure of the first literary author on record. Her highly popular hymns and poems were read for centuries.

Readers of historical fiction who look for engrossing tales with compelling protagonists will find this story is hard to put down.” Midwest Review/Donovan’s Lit. Services

“A thriller and dramatic epic from one of the cradles of civilization, STARLIGHT is both majestic and accessible, an ambitious and symbolic novel that will transport readers …of any age, gender, or culture …Powerful thematic explorations of gender relations, power, charlatanism, corruption, love, and violence….the conversations and debates are compelling and carefully worded.
Impressively well researched… a stellar work of historical fiction.” Self-Publishing Review

“‘Fate and faith are like friends who fail’.Yet Enehduanna remained faithful to her faith, her only friend.’
Sridhar’s narrative is driven by compelling worldbuilding and character development. Each character has a well-developed backstory that is instrumental to bringing the intricate system of government, politics, and power to life. Sridhar uses his characters to ignite stimulating profound conversations on the topic of God, faith, prayer, etc. … imbued with mythological references. Atrocities by those in power present Enheduanna as even more human, a strongly relatable and likable character whose gracefulness with the creation of hymns, poetry, and dance portends to what her ferocity may look like.
Impeccable character development, strong worldbuilding, a well-flowing storyline, and an ability to make the reader feel present in character dialogues makes for an educational and entertaining read. RECOMMENDED
Sridhar’s Candlelight in a Storm was 2018 Eric Hoffer Book Award da Vincie Eye Finalist” M.Shah, US Review of Books


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