Leave Your Sh*t Here

New Workbook Normalizes the Struggles in Life by Letting Us Know “everything will be ok” DETROIT, MI. ( 2023) Jackie Wallace and Liz Reed are the co-authors of the workbook entitled “Leave Your Sh*t Here”, a book with a purpose to assist people with everyday challenges and struggles. This workbook helps people to understand that it’s normal to face adversity in life and that in the end, everything will be just fine. The workbook also provides a safe space to release those feelings in confidence and dispose of them in a manner the reader chooses, releasing all emotions privately into the universe, ridding them of all toxic thoughts and feelings and not be judged by society.

This workbook helps people to understand that it’s normal to face adversity in life and that in the end, everything will be just fine. The workbook also provides a safe space to release those feelings in confidence and dispose of them in a manner the reader chooses, releasing all emotions privately into the universe, ridding them of all toxic thoughts and feelings.

The idea for this workbook originally appeared pre-pandemic during a lunch with co-authors Jackie and Liz and another friend. Jackie would often use a piece of paper to write out the day’s frustrations, negative thoughts or life’s problems then destroy it. It was a method that she used for some time as it was private and safe from anyone else’s eyes. In a world where people post everything on social media, this was a method to still vent and protect her inner most private thoughts. As Jackie shared the practice with Liz, a tenured practicing psychotherapist, she learned this was a method Liz also used many times, and the idea for the workbook was born.


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