
W. Nikola-Lisa
W. Nikola-Lisa, Professor Emeritus of the Graduate School of Education at National-Louis University in Chicago, is the author of over thirty books for readers young and old. He is the author of numerous books for the primary and upper elementary school reader, including the award-winning Bein' With You This Way, Shake Dem Halloween Bones, and How We Are Smart, a multicultural look at the theory of multiple intelligences. His work also includes the semi-autobiographical middle-grade novel Shark Man and Dear Frank: Babe Ruth, the Red Sox, and the Great War, a work of historical fiction set in Boston at the end of WWI. For the older reader, he has published The Men Who Made the Yankees: The Odyssey of the World's Greatest Baseball Team from Baltimore to the Bronx, From Lectern to Laboratory: How Science and Technology Changed the Face of America's Colleges, and, most recently, Circles, Lines, and Squiggles: Astrology for the Curious-Minded. For more information about the author and his published work.