
Shelley Kolton
Shelley Kolton co-founded the first all women’s OB/GYN practice in New York City
40 years ago. As a physician, she appeared on the MacNeil Lehrer Report and ABC News.
She wrote the Foreword and consulted on The Next Nine Months: A Guide to Your Body After Giving Birth (Penguin). She was also the medical consultant for a number TV series during the 1990’s. While she has been published in several medical journals, this is her first book.
She lives in New York city with her wife, two of her three daughters and until recently, her beloved Pitbull, Gracie.
She discovered that she had multiple personalities in 2007 and struggled to recover from horrendous cult abuse over the next 13 years. She wrote this book for her family and then decided to publish it in order to educate the public about DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) and Satanic cult abuse. For more information go to website