
Author Picture

Sandra Brown-Lindstedt

Multiple Award winning Sandra Brown Lindstedt was born to write. “I know it's a gift from God and He deserves all the credit,” she says. Raised with five siblings on the oftentimes dangerous south-side of Chicago, she spent her summers with her grandmother in a small town in Texas. Later in life, she married and moved to Gothenburg Sweden, where she wrote a volume of short stories taken from her well received memoir, “I am Fireflies Ascending”. She was asked by librarian Fleur Doornberg-Puglisi, of the International School of Gothenburg, to come and share some of her stories with classrooms of elementary and middle school children. The response by the boys and girls was overwhelming. Later, she sold out her entire stock of books at their annual Book fair. This is when she decided her true calling was to write children's stories. Together with poems, songs and her short stories, she has created her first children's book, Life of a Firefly, that won the 2021 INTERNATIONAL BOOK AWARDS, Children's Mind/Soul/Body category and Reader Views' first GRAND PRIZE - OVERALL FICTION - for 2020-2021. She also won GOLD in their Young Readers Category, Teen Category, Regional Award - South Region and the AME Award for Best Debut Fiction.