
Author Picture

Reese Halden

Early in life, fiction novels of all kinds drew Reese to them like a magnet drawing iron fillings. Whether it was "I, Robot" by Asimov, "The Hobbit" by Tolkien, "Red Storm Rising" by Clancy, or the Ensign Flandry series by Anderson, Reese enjoyed them all. Eventually, the writer in Reese emerged, formed like potter’s clay from reading thousands of other authors’ works, and then fired in the kiln of creativity to solidify his writing style. Reese first wrote articles and game modules for the Dungeons and Dragons game system and was a photojournalist for hometown newspapers, but this wasn’t enough. Finally, inspired by and wanting to follow in the footsteps of these many, favorite authors, Reese began publishing his fiction, the first of which was a YA romance called "Jay's River".