
Melissa Saulnier
Melissa Saulnier is a tried and true Alaskan, professional musician, science and conspiracy nerd, amateur sleuth, Keto lover, gardener, mom, and grandmother. Originally from a small town in Alaska, Melissa studied Music and Paralegal academics with the intention she’d never be tied down to an office in one place. Well, that plan backfired and she ended up at Alzheimer's Resource of Alaska with her paralegal professor as her boss. It's a job she loves. She also ended up with two kids, five grandkids, and a personal writing retreat and office. Melissa started writing while telling nighttime stories to her children and decided it was something she'd do forever. Her greatest achievements are mastering some songs on the piano, driving from the west coast to the east coast on her own, spending time in Italy, and surviving forty winters in Alaska (fingers crossed). She loves to travel for research purposes and was lucky enough to visit the Vatican in Roma, plus Sienna, Napoli, Firenza, Milano, and she also got to spend some time in Texas with her mom, where locals brag about being the biggest state. Alaskans know better. Watch out world!