
Author Picture

Mandy O'Dell

Raised on romance and history, Mandy knew from an early age that she loved a good story. She lived in the pages of the books she read at night long after she was supposed to be asleep. Her first story was an epic Civil War romance (think Gone With The Wind if Margaret Mitchell had been a 90's teenager). She carried a binder of handwritten pages with her everywhere. Now, it's a laptop and more ghostly chills, but you can still find her up way too late reading.

Mandy and her husband can be found in Northwest Arkansas with their dogs and cats. They've never met a critter they couldn't make a home for, though Duke the dog believes his love is plenty.

When not reading or writing, Mandy can be binge watching British murder mysteries and baking shows and chasing kittes all over the house, oh and working in a pet treats facility. Her animals give her a good sniffing over every night.