
Author Picture

Linda Boroff

Linda Boroff graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, with a degree in English. Her humorous short stories, satires and feature articles have appeared in a broad span of noted publications, including McSweeney’s, The Guardian. Gawker, Hollywood Dementia, Epoch, Cimarron Review, Hobart, Crack the Spine, The Pedestal Magazine, The Writing Disorder, The Piltdown Review, 5:21 Magazine, Thoughtful Dog, Drunk Monkeys, Blunderbuss Magazine, JONAH Magazine, Eclectica, The Boiler, Fictive Dream, and Lifelines, the literary journal of the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth.

She was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Able Muse Magazine and won first prize in The Writers Place fiction competition, as well as placing in the Top Ten or semifinals of numerous other contests including American Gem, the Chesterfields, and the Los Angeles International Screenplay Competition. She has written one one produced feature film and has two screenplays currently in development.