
Author Picture

John Fahey

I'm a scientist retired from a career in biomedical research. I've begun to write memoirs of my life. The first one covers my life up to age 23. The title is Survival, subtitle From a broken childhood to a PhD.

The second one, Arrival: An Immigrant Story, continues from the first, up to 1987, as I am about to become Director of Research at the Community Research Initiative in Manhattan.

I have a web domain in which I write about topics aiming at a healthy longevity. That domain is You can see an account of my life and career on the about_me page at that domain. It is entirely informational. I do not sell anything nor do I have any affiliation to pharmaceutical companies or medical groups. I look forward to the future with a sense of awe and wonder.

I have a writeup in an online Irish Literary Magazine:

I have an official review at

Twitter: @JohnFahey11
