
Jan Moberg
Jan Moberg is a lifelong writer and presenter with careers in hospital chaplaincy, ethics, and patient advocacy. Jan compiled relevant medical choices linked to spiritual beliefs in Treatment Choices of the World's Most Prevalent Religions, supplied to nursing staff during her tenure as a hospital chaplain. Profound interactions with patients, families, and hospital staff are compassionately recounted in her first book, Chaplain's Walk: The Spiritual Side of Medicine. Jan has an MA in ministry leadership and a BS in religion. She completed a residency in clinical pastoral education (CPE), is certified in clinical ethics and CPSP (College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy), and has trained in critical intervention stress management (CISM) and the existential and spiritual impact of trauma. She attended Erlanger Nursing School and served six years in the US Navy, earning the Navy Service Commendation Medal for service in the Pentagon during the Lebanon crisis.