
Fiona Citkin
Fiona Citkin cares about civic tolerance, immigrant women issues, and the kind of know-how we need to achieve big in America and beyond. Now that her new book (How They Made It in America: 18 Immigrant Women; 7 Success Values; The Achiever’s Handbook) is coming out in January 2019, Fiona is enthusiastically prepping to meet the new readership.
She came to the U.S. as a Fulbright Scholar from Ukraine, studying languages and cultures at Kent State University, OH. A professional educator, author, and intercultural consultant, Fiona holds two doctorate degrees and speaks three languages.
While working to establish herself in American academic circles, she gave up her research post in OH when her husband received an attractive job offer in New York. Eager to try something new in the new country, she retrained and reframed my academic-professorial experience, working for a global computer company CSI, Berlitz, and similar culture-language-oriented organizations - until starting her own consultancy, Expert MS Inc. Fiona coached and advised on multiculturalism, diversity, and inclusion at major corporations, colleges, and government agencies. She also wrote monthly Huffington Post column:
Her first book written in the United States was based on my consulting practice: TRANSFORMATIONAL DIVERSITY: WHY AND HOW INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCIES CAN HELP ORGANIZATIONS TO SURVIVE AND THRIVE (SHRM Publishing, 2011). For this book and her practice combined, Fiona was awarded a 2012 Top Champion of Diversity title by, a think-tank.
As an evangelist on all subjects of diversity and the resilience of women, Fiona will partner with her readers to help them make a front list success in the US.