
Cy Young
Cy Young began his professional career as a dancer at the Empire Room of the Palmer House in Chicago. Cy moved to New York where he performed on Broadway, in Upstairs At The Downstairs revues, recorded for Painted Smiles records, wrote several produced musicals, co-starred at London's Globe Theater in "Divorce Me Darling," played opposite Buster Keaton in "Once Upon A Mattress," had three plays published by French, has a song on the Streisand Third Album ("Draw Me A Circle"), wrote a short story, "The Schitzle Connection,"which won first prize in an Oklahoma City Writers' competition and was later published by Twit Publishing (Winter/Spring 2011 Edition), and has now written 7 books. Go to, cy's email, to find his current activity which involves his latest book, the Christian book, The Boy From Nain and it's promotion.