
Author Picture

Brian Snowden

Brian Snowden was born in 1950 in Quantico, Virginia but considers Charlottesville to be his home town as his parents were Charlottesville natives. Snowden spent more than twenty years traveling internationally for work and has lived in France, Spain and Peru. He has lived in ten US states stretching from New Jersey to Hawaii and Illinois to Florida. Snowden has traveled to more than 45 countries, speaks Spanish with native fluency and is conversant in Italian. He has been an avid reader since early childhood, and has read a wide variety of works in English, Spanish and Italian, and many other works in translation. His first book was published fifteen years ago in England. It is called "Carnsbury Abbey" and is available on Amazon. His second book, "A Delicate Imbalance" is also available on Amazon as a eBook. Snowden recently completed his third novel, titled "On the Precipice of the Labyrinth", which is the story of a young American who travels to Spain during that country's Civil War. The new novel should be available in paperback and eBook formats in early 2022. Snowden recently retired as a professor at a small mid-western college and resides in West Chester, OH.