
Author Picture

Anthony Caplan

About Anthony Caplan
1. What five words describe you?

Persistent, Essential, Symbolic, Seeking, Multidimensional

2. What was the first story you ever wrote? I mean the really bad one we all have that you’re trying to hide in the back of closet now that you’re published?

My really bad ones I burnt. Several have been lost along the way. Some are on my blog, The first story I ever wrote was when I was five or six. I had a toy typewriter and I wrote a story about some of my toys that were in a fight and beat each other. I think I was obsessed with violence.

3. What inspires you?

Live music, movies, good books, children, horses, and mountaintops.

4. What distracts you?

Work, children, farm chores (I live on a farm), and social media.

5. What’s your favorite story? This can be specific, as in a particular book or even story-driven movie, or general, like “I’m a sucker for a hero looking for redemption story.”

My favorite all-time classic story is The Odyssey by Homer. Every good story I know is a variation on the hero trying to get home. Every underdog is a variation on Ulysses. I also love father-son adventure stories. The Road by Cormac McCarthy is the best version I know of that one.