The Book of the Sun

The Book of the Sun is a record of the conversation between the author and the Sun. It concerns the structure of the living universe, why it is so difficult here and why we should all begin to realise that we are all one, and yet diverse at the same time. It answers many questions that have concerned minds throw out the millennia. Why are we here? Why is there suffering? What is the future for us? These questions and many more are answered.

‘Are these my thoughts or yours?’ I asked.
‘It doesn’t matter,’ said the Sun. ’You are me and I am you.’

The Book of the Sun is a record of the conversation between the author and the Sun. It concerns the structure of the living universe, why it is so difficult here and why we should all begin to realise that we are all one, and yet diverse at the same time. It answers many questions that have concerned minds throw out the millennia. Why are we here? Why is there suffering? What is the future for us? These questions and many more are answered.

This is a god – the Sun, speaking to us through this book – who has contacted us before, in ancient Egypt and the Americas. But because the message now is that there is no separation, the Sun is very concerned that we should not make a religion of this contact. Religions are full of hierarchies, rules and judgments, and the Sun’s message is not only that we are one but that love and light is the only reality with a spicing of laughter.


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